Recognition & Rewards
Business Opportunity
TD Bank sought an interactive variety and comedy show for their annual bank managers' Recognition & Rewards corporate event.
Value Provided
StageCoach Improv collaborated with TD Bank's Awards Event Committee to devise a strategy containing live performances, video, and music. A film (Mascot Missing) was born out of the collaboration process combined with an interactive live variety comedy show starring a fictitious FBI Special Agent along with his "experts" - a guitar player, camera man, and make-up artist nonetheless to solve the mystery of the missing, beloved TD Bank mascot.
The film was shown during the TD Bank live event featuring breaking news segments, mascot hostage and rescue footage, a bank language expert analysis, and FBI special agent interviews with TD Bank employees. Even more, StageCoach Improv actors were embedded at the live event impersonating TD bank managers who were actually managers from other competing banks (who became suspects for TD's disappearance once their true identities were discovered...well, their other bank personas that is).
All the entertainment elements came together to provide FUN and engaging custom corporate comedy to further connect bank managers through teamwork humor, improv, and sketch comedy.
In addition to writing, directing, and producing the film (Mascot Missing), and performing an interactive variety comedy show, StageCoach Improv provided live music including a newly written TD mascot song, "It's all about WOW!"
WOW! What creative fun! You blew away our expectations!